Sunday, March 04, 2007

Making A Difference

It's like the after quakes from a major earth quake, and that major earth quake I see being when man disobeyed God. Those rippling shock waves infected and affected a whole race of people born out of Adam and Eve.
The trauma and devastation that has permeated each soul born into this world may not be evident or readily seen at first, but sooner or later, as in, like what goes up has to come down, what has been hidden from view under a thin veneer, covering the 'best of lives' will become evident, a need to be loved.

Apart from experiencing the present and endless love of God in Christ Jesus, there is little hope or reason for wanting to delay the inevitable awaiting each of us.
I love the reality that is bursting slowing into my world, and with it bringing such sobriety.
Is it really any different than it was 2,000 years ago when the God man showed up and how as he grew as a man and God, without few exceptions, nobody knew that Jesus was God in the flesh. Not since the fall of man had God been able to come into man's world without terrorizing him...He was incognito.
Is that not what is happening today, once again He is incognito in me, and others?

My wife shared with me some very real battles she faces that I don't see being particularly unique to herself, but none the less very real. Many on her staff compliment. praise and affirm her in her being so patient, kind, considerate etc toward her children at school.
Somehow she thinks, if they only knew the selfish me, would they be so inclined to freely say such wonderful and kind things?

What appeared to be most evident to me with her dilemma was sharing this with her. Jesus said we were to live in such a way that in all that we do, people would see through our actions-works, Him our Heavenly Father.
I encouraged her to know that those, how ever far away in seeing or knowing this 'from a distance God', were in fact seeing Him in and through her actions, a least a wonderful glimpse of Him, and His heart for those that do not believe in Him yet.
I encouraged her to acknowledge Him in all of this, Hey Jesus, Father, look and listen to what all these people are saying about YOU!!

If we are not coming into contact with His loving heart for us, we will simply exist, putting in time until we check out, but in experiencing the one and only true source of unconditional love, it will continue to free me/us to be a self-for-others. Being aware, of His love for others around us, frees us in so many different ways to simply love people, with no agenda other than having freely received of His love wanting to express it in tangible everyday ways.

It is becoming very evident to me as I continue to grow and learn of His love for me, that in my daily involvement and interacting with others that the Living God I know as my Father, is touching these very people in ways that go far beyond my understanding.


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