Father, I thank you for allowing me to experience You, to know You!
The many experiences I have had in following you have never been given to make me shine, look special, it is only in experiencing you, my Father, this alone, truly satisfies the longing in my heart.
A quick thought here before I head out to work.
I am enjoying like a pig in mud my new note book.
I try as best I can to keep it tidy and neat inside and out. I usually use it (although it is hooked up to a wireless router) in our main PC room, in there at best I'm working with lamp lighting and some outside light coming in through the window.
I can look at my screen and say it looks very clean, but take it out on my dinning room table and let the Son shine touch the screen, and ouch, what filth, dust all over it..how the hail did that get thar??
All of this to say...The Father's heart alive in our King, Jesus, is going to address our thoughts regarding His kingdom, and they, our thoughts just might be in disarray.
When Jesus was about to confer upon his beloved friends a Kingdom, and walked it out in the upper room, when He striped himself down to a servant and proceeded to wash Peter's feet, there was a NO from Peter, No Lord you will not do this to me.
Jesus said, unless you allow me to do this you will have No part in Me.
He is that Light shinning ever so much more brightly into our hearts, and I welcome it.
There will be NO decreasing without seeing Him! None!
So much of what most of us believe is pre Job 42..you know, all that Job knew of God was founded in what others had said..after Job 42 we see it is in his seeing God for himself, that his life took a drastic turn.
It is in His light we will see.
Shine Jesus shine. Who do you say that I AM?
He was, and ever shall be, The King of Kings and Lord of Lords-Jesus Christ!
The Father's foolishness will always be so much more wiser than man's so called smarts.
In sending His son, how could this be construed as a threat? He didn't come leading a army of soldiers mighty in battle arrayed with all of the trappings of military might.
How could this unseen fetus growing in the womb of a young virgin maiden be a threat to the Prince of darkness and all of his hordes?
Why would Satan suddenly seem to come unglued in his attempts to set into motion such devastating destruction to stop this One?
Did this One come as an invader, ushering in an invasion? Or did he come to make known that which has been buried/hidden from all eyes..the revelation of His Father heart for man?
Without seeing His heart FOR us, all of the kingdom speak will be just that, more religious verbiage.
In this unknown child, Jesus, was hidden to the world, the unspeakable gift..the Father's heart!
This was not an invasion of military pomp, might and majesty, it was a royal invitation to receive His gift to us.
More to follow... Part 2..Satan Stole, Jesus Invited.
Religion Can't Save You
Romans 2:18-20 (The Message)
If you're brought up Jewish, don't assume that you can lean back in the arms of your religion and take it easy, feeling smug because you're an insider to God's revelation, a connoisseur of the best things of God, informed on the latest doctrines! I have a special word of caution for you who are sure that you have it all together yourselves and, because you know God's revealed Word inside and out, feel qualified to guide others through their blind alleys and dark nights and confused emotions to God. While you are guiding others, who is going to guide you? I'm quite serious. While preaching "Don't steal!" are you going to rob people blind? Who would suspect you? The same with adultery. The same with idolatry. You can get by with almost anything if you front it with eloquent talk about God and his law. The line from Scripture, "It's because of you Jews that the outsiders are down on God," shows it's an old problem that isn't going to go away.
I trust that my heavenly Father is healing me of my blindness of heart.
Not knowing and continuing to grow in the true knowledge of God's love for us becomes fertile soil for all kinds of weeds to grow, which only hinder us from seeing clearly as He sees.
Speaking for myself, in my own life, I am slowly beginning to know a dimension and security of the Father's love whereby I can not only make room and allowances for my halt and lameness often coming to the surface from within my soul, but also in the lives of others.
There is a story in the New Testament where it says that Jesus came to Jericho: and as he went out of Jericho, great crowds followed along, there along the way was a blind man, Bartimaeus, when he heard that it was Jesus, he yelled out for him to have mercy upon him.
The crowd thought this to be most inappropriate, and told him so......BE QUIET!~SHUT UP!
Recognizing his desperate need, this blind man yelled out even the louder. He was ushered into Jesus presence, and as we know, those having read this account, he was healed.
The blind although very much saved, whatever that might mean, are in my opinion in many cases doing just the opposite from what well meaning Chrischuns are telling them..be quite, there, there, now now!
It seems to be incongruous to be a Christan and yet be so needy, yes needy, I thought it was the needy that qualify for the Doctors help?
I am learning it is only in being as real as I know how to be with Him, my Father, that I can be truly comforted, and in like manner can I comfort others with His comfort.
I want to make room for the crippled, lame, blind and halt of soul whoever where ever they might be, rather than giving them something that only anesthetizes their symptoms.