Friday, November 06, 2009

Seeing The Father

Seeing God means having ears that hear and a heart that is able to receive and abide in that which the Father bestows. It means knowing His thoughts (1Cor. 2:11-12), even as sons and daughters come to know the thoughts of their natural father. Seeing God also means not fleeing obstacles or times of barrenness.

Those who see God, rest in, feed upon, and submit to His faithfulness in the midst of the issues of life (1Cor. 1:9; Ps. 37:3), for the know He makes even the desert to bloom (Is. 51:3), and will perfect that which concerns them (Phil. 1:6; Rom. 8:28).
Their identity and dependence is not within themselves or upon themselves, but in their Father.

The inability to see God was the great dilemma of the Israelites after they departed Egypt. They saw His “work for forty years” but went “astray in their heart” (Heb. 3:9-10). They were blind to see that the circumstance in which He placed them was the very avenue through which He intended to bless them. In resisting the circumstance, they resisted God. They either forgot or didn’t know that all spiritual life is conceived in the barrenness of an empty womb. Sons and Daughters know their lives are empty, and that if they do bring forth a bounty or blessing, it is because, in the midst of their barrenness, the Father plants within them that which is born of Him!


1 comment:

Daveda said...

Learning to walk in our new identity in Christ coming forth is the only way to live in the fullness the Father has for us! :)