Friday, March 13, 2009

Why are we Imprisoned?

“I pray and ask you to join with me that He would open to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ, for which I have also been imprisoned; that I may make it clear in the way I ought to speak.”

Are we the prisoners of circumstances and situations, or are we His whether we live or die? Are we anything like our brother Paul in how he described himself as an, “ambassador in chains?”

For most of us our geographical surroundings may not be as Paul’s’ often were, incarcerated behind bars, but there are more than one type of bars and for that matter many different kinds of prisons as well.

I ask you, where did Paul want to portray the mystery of the gospel, Christ in you the hope of glory, if it wasn’t right there where he WAS in front of or behind the bars?
Doesn’t it begin pretty much in our own back yard versus the supposed “calling” on my life to some proverbial “mission field?”

It takes what it takes to bring each of us to see from our true placement In Christ seated far above all powers and principalities in Christ at the Father’s right hand that anything that was used in having us sold or sent into some form of imprisonment was the Father sending us. Also we begin to see that which was purposed for evil, spelling our hurt and demise was the Father using it all for our good!

Why is it that we fail to see that He is fully able to make me and you a “witness” unto Himself right where we are at?
Set a barn, house on fire and men will come from miles around to witness such a site!
Is His life in us as us provoking folks unto such a craving, longing, thirst for what is real now and forever? Or are we more concerned about my/our own comfort?

Folks there is NO spiritual “kink” in the hose when it comes to our Father ruling and reigning and in charge of everything that ‘appears’ to be so out of control.
We are we where we are, for one purpose, that we might discover what we so easily, glibly mouth, “He loves me” to experience the resurrected One in us as us, to be embraced by this insanely loving Father, to drink in deeper than anything we have ever known, much like a dusty dry sponge.

In becoming saturated in and with the greatness of His love for us, we become a living oasis in a barren and arid wilderness, and by word of mouth faster than a speeding bullet, the good news leaks out for all who thirst and want Him!


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