Thursday, October 01, 2009

Doing Nothing

When is doing nothing doing a lot, hmm, well if we look at what Jesus said maybe it is self explanatory? He said, “The son of man can do nothing of himself, I only do and say that which is made evident to me by my Father.”
The essence of sin is, Satan tempting us to either “gross sin”, or to simply live our life apart from dependence upon Christ, which is the root of all sin.
Is it possible that those thirty years Jesus spent hidden away was in fact him doing nothing?

Most Christians think that it is a work for us to do, to “put on the new man” and to “put off the old man.” But this is a wrong concept. It is not a work for us, rather it is a non-work of “letting go” to simply trust Him. Letting go is our labour to enter His rest. It seems that we will “do” most anything to avoid simply trusting God and the truth spoken of Him as revealed in the Bible… rather than simply trusting Him, His love and His life in us.

The result of our submission to rest in union with Christ is that Christ’s life is enabled to from within our spirit, to renew our soul-self. This yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness, which is peace, and rest. By this union we walk in agreement with “the spirit,” we co-operate with Christ in us. We are renewed in our soul as we learn to submit to His inward governing of our lives. This liberates Christ in us to live through us as He wills in every circumstance of life. These are some of the fruits of our proper union with Him who is our life.

As I am fond of saying, ‘It’s not a seminar It’s a revelation,” we will never be freed from the suffocating mind-sets we have, apart from the spirit of life contained within the message of the good news (gospel), a seminar has no power to break the sin habit patterns we have all grown up with and in.
At the core of our being is just that, a ‘being’ not a doing, and then out of heart exploding revelation on that point, truth alone, we might discover why there is such dis-ease and sickness throughout the body of Christ!

I am slowing learning that the rest, peace and joy that had so alluded my living for so many years is being swallowed up in simply labouring to let go of what Sin in my members tries to persuade me that is yet unfinished business!
“After Jesus had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.”



Māris said...

I love to hear the Truth-Jesus through your articles. :-)

Rich said...


Often as I write, I see and hear His heart for me in an even greater thoughts I try and put down here point me over and over to His heart!