Sunday, August 12, 2007

Reveling in the Revelator...

The thought, not very original, but none the less sobering, am I reveling in the revelator, Christ in me the hope of glory, or, am I reveling in the revelation?
I said that to say this, there seems to be so much falling into place (in my life) lately regarding what continues to be shared on the God Journey with Wayne and Brad...An ever expanding conversation of those living outside the box of organized religion...

This whole notion of 'friends, and friends of friends' that Wayne and Brad have been discussing is quite exhilarating to say the least. Knowing the propensity within our fleshly thinking to turn our focus away from the revelator onto the revelation, doggedly hounds us.

I like what Wayne says here, 'Remember body life does not produce the life of Jesus, only Jesus does that. The church can never be our source of life, it is the fruit of that life being borne in us. Let your relationship with him grow. If you don’t know any others, just lean in close to him and keep your eyes open. He may just want you to himself for a time so that he is the only one you’ll be dependent on. In time he will begin to connect you in the simple joy of...Twos and Threes.'

Rather than seeing this as a formula, lets look at it being as simple as Him, producing the Life in the context of people, friends and friends of friends. Let's take a peek at how some this might unfold.

I was chatting with a friend this morning on line and he mentioned that Wayne had called him asking if he would be interested in connecting with a woman's son who lived in the same state he lived in. He said, yes, for sure. The details are being worked out now towards the possibility of this happening.

Last evening I received a phone call from a university student asking if she might come over to meet my wife and me regarding her ministry in reaching out to her fellow students.
I said sure thing..this too is being worked out, arranging a time to meet.
How this came about was through meeting someone at a recent gathering here in Stratford when Wayne and Sara Jacobsen came down for a visit.
One of the folks there was a young woman finishing up her education in a near by university. As this young woman shared about her heart for those attending university, it was as if I was looking through the window of her heart at these people I didn't even know.
I said to her how deeply I was touched in seeing and hearing about these students and her having such a heart for them, I said, if there is anything I can do to be a blessing to you or them, please let me know. And that is how this friend of a friend I met is now wanting to meet us.

To sum this up, the quote from the movie, Jurassic Park (1993) comes to mind..Henery Wu:
You're implying that a group composed entirely of female animals will... breed?
Dr. Ian Malcolm: No, I'm simply saying that life, uh... finds a way.


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