Sunday, November 11, 2007

I Think So, But I'm Not Sure

Is the impossible, possible, because I think its so, or because Father God says its so!

If Jesus is in fact the same yesterday, today and forever, and changes not, why is there such an anemic and pathetic portrayal of Christ coming forth from my life?
Is it because of not knowing the lover of my soul, the Father of my spirit, (who loves unconditionally) maybe seeing myself as an abandoned orphan having to fend and provide for myself?

Jesus said he had a meat, a sustenance his followers new nothing of, also he said, my meat is to do that which I see and hear of the father.

The staggering thought that is freshly upon my heart today is in knowing that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that the Father speaks.

I believe with all of my heart, we were and are created to be loved unconditionally, and in that flow of His wooing and loving heart toward us, there is opening up within us a capacity to see what previously appeared to be hidden.

I love how His spirit is not pointing at a doctrine or teaching, but opening the blinded eyes to see Him, Christ in you the hope of glory, and not because of a talented selected few.


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